Friday, May 31, 2019
Leukemia :: Cancer Research Health Essays
Leukemia Leukemia is a disease characterized bythe formation of aberrant numbers of white fallcells, for which no certain cure has been found.Leukemia is also conditions characterized by thetransformation of normal blood-forming cells intoabnormal white blood cells whose unrestrainedgrowth overwhelms and replaces normal bonemarrow and blood cells. Leukemias are namedaccording to the normal cell from which theyoriginate, such as Lymphocyte Leukemia.Lymphocyte Leukemia is where a Lymphocytecell is transformed into a Leukemia cell. Another type of Leukemia is Myelocytic or(Granulocytic Leukemia). This forms when aMyelocytic cell is changed or transformed into aLeukemia cell. Different Leukemias are located inthe microscope and by how much protein theycontain. These Leukemias are usually very severeand need intervention right away. The presentincidence of new cases per year in the UnitedStates is about 25 to every 100,000 persons. Thedanger to the patient lies in the growth of these abnormal white cells, which interfere with thegrowth of the red blood cells, normal white bloodcells, and the blood platelets. The uncontrolledgrowth of the abnormal white cells produces atendency to unstop bleeding, the risk of gettingserious infection in the wounds, and a very smallpossibility of obstruction of the blood vessels. word of these Leukemias includechemotherapy with alkylafing agents, orantimetabodies that suppress the growth ofabnormal white cells. Another treatment of somekind would be the x-ray or the administration orradioactive substances, or radiophosphorus, maybe used. After treatment these diseases may lastfor many years. Age of the person diagnosed withLeukemia does play an important part in how thatindividual responds to any treatment. The older theperson the less response he may prevail totreatment. Leukemia in Animals white blood cellsis much less everyday as Leukemia in humanswhite blood cells. Todays treatment mostlyincludes chemotherapy and or bone mar rowtransplantation supportive care, where transfusionsof blood components and prompt treatment ofcomplicating infections, is very important. Ninetypercent of children with slap-up LymphocyteLeukemia nonplus received chemotherapy and fiftypercent of theses children have been fully cured ofLeukemia. Treatment of AML or AcuteMyeolcytic Leukemia is not as masteryful but hasbeen improving more and more throughout the1990s. Scientists that study the cause ofLeukemia have not had very much success lately.Very large doses of x-rays can increase theefficacy growth of Leukemia. Chemicals such asBenzene also may increase the risk of gettingLeukemia. Scientists have tried experiments onLeukemia in Animals by transmitting RNA into thebody of the Animal. Interpretation of these resultsin relation with human Leukemia is very cautious atthis time. Studies have also suggested that familyhistory, race, genetic factors, and geography may
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Solutions in Higher Education Essay -- Education, Training Faculty
Senges (1990) characterization of controlling versus learning organizations helps illustrate the challenge Medtech faces in making the shift to a learner-centered college with outcome-based classroom practices. When new and expansive patterns of thinking ar nurtured, collective aspiration is set free (1990) however, Harris and Cullen (2008) state that the work environment at many colleges is preferably to the contrary. So our moves are the same as stated by Boyer (1987) nearly three decades ago, Is it possible for students to become independent, self-directed learners, as well as, how base stave improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity and critique? For the purpose of this project, I will make the assumption that the answer to the first question is yes, and therefore, deal primarily with the second. If we accept the premise that the learner-centered class is a microcosm of the learning organization, then it follows that the professional development of leadership shou ld reflect professional development of teachers (Harris & Cullen, 2008). This can only be accomplished through concrete mechanisms for effecting change. The problem identified for this project stems from Dr. Terry OBanions (2010) statement, we cannot assume students are learning. I identified that existing teaching and assessment often does not achieve the learning objectives required for the courses due to the hiring of faculty who are experts in their field however, are not trained educators. In the past, tradition dictated that knowledge of the discipline was sufficient for the transmission of knowledge to students however, this can no longer be interpreted for granted. The recommended solution is to implement a process for the shift from traditiona... ...the communication to the students will be through the updated syllabi and implementation of new practices in the classroom. Finally, the campus will host an unmortgaged house on-site for all affiliate partners that include cla ssroom demonstrations that will highlight the new practices. In addition, the presentation will include an explanation on how the new practices benefit the partners with externs and potential employees who have the critical thinking skills required for on the job success. Welsh (n.d.) reflected on a higher education that was passive in the mid-twentieth century as he admits that is not so anymore. His charge is that change is necessary today for higher education to remain vibrant. The entire existence must become learner-centered and by initiating incremental steps, immediate rewards, and links to intrinsic motivation we will achieve that vision.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Broad-Based Oppositions in Hungary and Yugoslavia :: Communism Governmental Political Essays
Broad-based Oppositions in Hungary and Yugoslavia No two countries in East Central Europe share the same(p) experience of Communism. Parallels can be drawn between countries, groupings can be made and put into tiers, and data can be compared. But each pastoral has a unique past which continues to make itself felt in the present day, despite the common direction the countries are taking towards a free food market economy and multi-party democracy. Hungary, for example, has a more westward-leaning tradition than Yugoslavia does. Though their alliance with the Hapsburg Monarchy may have hindered the development of institutions of self-governance and a modern economy, that same tradition with Austria probably also helped it usher in the changes of 1989 more swiftly than many of its neighbors. The debate is still going on as to whether the Austrians did more harm than good for the country, but cardinal thing is clear Hungary has enjoyed a far less painful transition than many of its neighbors, including Yugoslavia. A comparison of the overall transition since 1989 in the two countries lies considerably beyond the scope of this paper I intend, however, to look at the election systems, the most recent election outcomes and the major political powers in jell in Hungary and Yugoslavia and draw some similarities between the opposition coalitions were formed.In Hungary, all citizens above the age of 18 are eligible to vote. Though there are no controversial language requirements, voters must be in the country on the day of the election in order to participate. Hungarians traveling abroad for business or on vacation are excluded, as are those temporarily sustentation in another country there is no system in place similar to the American absentee ballot system that allows them to cast their vote if they find themselves beyond Hungarys borders on election day. Prisoners and those permanently residing in medical institutions are also excluded. Only those citizens maki ng a positive and active contribution to society, then, have the privilege of casting a vote. The implication inherent in this law that Hungarians living or working overseas at the time of the election are not making any such contribution.The outcome of national elections for Hungarys legislature is indomitable by a complex combination of simple majority and proportional representation systems. Of the 386 seats in the unicameral legislature, 176 are chosen from single-member constituencies and 152 are chosen from 20 distinct territorial multi-member constituencies, which follow the administrative county lines (in Hungarian megye, county).
Robert Edward Lee :: essays research papers
Robert Edward lee(prenominal)Robert Edward Lee was born of two distinguished Virginia families. Hewas a habituated son, an outstanding Westpoint cadet, and an unify States armyofficer for thirty two years. He graduated second in his class.Lee started his impressive Military career as a Lieutenant in the Corpsof Engineers. His first assignment was to work on the construction of castlePulaski in 1830 near Savannah, Georgia. then(prenominal) in 1831 he was transferred to FortMonroe, Virginia where he worked on harbor defenses.In 1834 he moved to Washington, D.C. as an assistant to the chief ofengineers. In 1835 he was assigned to resolve the Ohio-Michigan roomerconflict.In 1837 he went to Saint Louis to work on stabalizing the Mississippiriver channel. He was promoted to captain in 1838. Being sucessful in SaintLouis he was assigned to Fort Hamilton in 1841 to work on the New York Harborfortifications.When war broke out with Mexico in 1840 Lee was sent to Mexico for twoyears as a n engieneering officer. in that respect he was praised for his galantry andgood conduct. In the war with Mexico he was wounded in the Storming ofChapultepec in 1847. The Mexican war was suposed to be the help that Lee neededin the experance of commanding troops.After the Mexican war Lee was assigned to Baltimore in 1848, he was tosupervise the construction of Fort Carrol for nearly four years.In 1852 the United States military academy at West Point became Leeshome when he was appointed superintendent. During his three year stint heraised acidemic standards, lengthened the platform from four to five years, andimproved facilities.In 1859 in Arlington, Texas Lee was given command of Federal forceswhich were there to make sure Mexicans did not invade Texas. Then Lee was sentto capture the abolitionist, John Brown at Harpers Ferry.Then when war seemed impossible to avoid, President Abraham Lincionsummond Lee and asked him to lead the Union army, but Lee declined. On April 23he became c ommander and chief of the military forces in Virgnia, just three daysafter he resigned from the U.S. Army.In February 1865 Lee was do commander and chief of all confederateforces. His great battles of the Civil wars include Antietam, Chancellorsville,Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg. He won many, many battles in the Civil war.Finally on April 9, 1865 customary Robert E.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
False Memory Essay -- distorted memory, fabricated recollections
Memory is one of the most critical parts of cognition. It is important because it is involved in almost every aspect of cognition including problem solving, finale making, attention, and perception. Because of this importance, people rely on ones memory to make important decisions. The value of ones memory in this society is so high that it is used as evidence to either save ones life or kill ones life during murder trials. But as many of the cognitive psychologists know, humans memory sack cause many errors. One of these errors is erroneous memory which is either retentiveness events that never happened or remembering events differently from the actual event. This finding of morose memory raised big interests among psychologists and general public and many researches were done in order to find more about the false memory. The constructive approach to memory, which states that memory is constructed by person based on what really happened in supplement to persons other knowled ge, experiences, and expectations, supports the idea of false memory. Just like what constructive approach to memory states, the false memory can be created by persons knowledge, common biases, and suggestions. The present study was done in order to demonstrate one methodology that biases people to create and recall false memories. The present study is based on Deeses experiment in 1959 and also on Roediger and McDermotts experiment in 1995. The participants will be presented with eon of words visually, and then they would have to classify a set of words as either in the sequence or non in the sequence. Our guessing is that people will create false memories and recall distractor words that are related to the sequence of words presented significantly m... I think if the participants are not aware of it, the false recall rate will increase. And if there are more words presented, my assume is that it will increase the false recall rate. We can imply this finding of false memo ry in many ways in our lives. We all should note that our memory cannot be trusted 100% and we should not solely rely on our memory when it comes to making critical decisions. Just like the murder trial example used in earlier, when it comes to eye witnessing, the articulate should take possible false memory into account when making the final decisions and try to obtain objective evidence along with the memory of the witness. Works CitedRoediger, H. L. III, & McDermott, K. B. (1995). Creating false memories Remembering words not presented in lists. Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 21, 803-814
False Memory Essay -- distorted memory, fabricated recollections
Memory is one of the most critical parts of cognition. It is important because it is involved in almost every aspect of cognition including problem solving, close making, attention, and perception. Because of this importance, people rely on ones memory to make important decisions. The value of ones memory in this society is so high that it is used as evidence to either save ones life or kill ones life during collide with trials. But as many of the cognitive psychologists know, humans memory force out cause many errors. One of these errors is phony memory which is either memory board events that never happened or remembering events differently from the actual event. This finding of rancid memory raised big interests among psychologists and general public and many researches were done in order to find more about the false memory. The constructive approach to memory, which states that memory is constructed by person based on what really happened in summing up to persons other kn owledge, experiences, and expectations, supports the idea of false memory. Just like what constructive approach to memory states, the false memory can be created by persons knowledge, common biases, and suggestions. The present study was done in order to demonstrate one methodology that biases people to create and recall false memories. The present study is based on Deeses experiment in 1959 and also on Roediger and McDermotts experiment in 1995. The participants will be presented with episode of words visually, and then they would have to classify a set of words as either in the sequence or non in the sequence. Our shot is that people will create false memories and recall distractor words that are related to the sequence of words presented significantly m... I think if the participants are not aware of it, the false recall rate will increase. And if there are more words presented, my assume is that it will increase the false recall rate. We can imply this finding of false memory in many ways in our lives. We all should note that our memory cannot be trusted 100% and we should not solely rely on our memory when it comes to making critical decisions. Just like the murder trial example used in earlier, when it comes to eye witnessing, the come close should take possible false memory into account when making the final decisions and try to obtain objective evidence along with the memory of the witness. Works CitedRoediger, H. L. III, & McDermott, K. B. (1995). Creating false memories Remembering words not presented in lists. Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 21, 803-814
Monday, May 27, 2019
Cutting Down Trees
Cutting scratch off too many trees will result in nature being gone very soon. We will not be able to survive because we live on the oxygen that trees and plants breathe out. Because we need O2 and give off CO2, and because trees and plants breathe CO2 and give off O2, if one free radical is not there then the other will die. It is a bad thing if we keep cutting down trees in an unlimited way. In asset to the impact on the balance of gases (O2-CO2), trees and plants provide habitat for huge numbers of creatures.It is possible to kill off many whole species of animal by destroying their habitats. losings like that (large-scale habitat destruction) are not easily reversed, and will drive large numbers of creatures into extinction. Taking away the homes of creatures, allowing them to completely die off, and then restoring the habitat wont bring them back. Trees should not be cut down because most of the paper used is not RECYCLED so therefore it is a waste of time from perfection to make and plant the treeWell it has spread and oxygen and if u are cutting the trees down u re hurting the enivorment and animals that live respectable trees or on trees like rabbits and all could die and the it causes flooding to the world and near the forest so all the animals can die. Also naturalize is withering mire paper by thinking they have enogh but they dont. Some people also do flocking and people who do that i would like to prompt them that when u are older and u bedclothes and the police caches u then u can get arrested. Schools are all coverd in litter and it very important that u dont because u can still get in trouble even when u are younger.By the lack of litter that i have found in this street and i am very dissapointed please dont litter it is very important that u dont. Headteachers at school are doing a brilliant job by picking up the litter. Even if it is not ur litter please just pick it up. If u represent someone chucking rubbish on the floor say to t hem dont do that it is not gd for the enviorment. One of the most significant impacts of cutting down trees is that they are a source of shelter to many animal species and they beejaculate homeless because of this and it becomes difficult for them to survive.As a result the entire food chain is affected. Cutting down trees means that we have lesser number of tree species left and this decreases the biodiversity. Plants release oxygen into the environment and lesser number of trees means that we will have lesser oxygen content in the atmosphere. Tree leaves also give off water molecules to the environment that become a part of the water cycle and come down as rain. Fewer trees means lesser rains. Trees refresh the air we breath so by chopping them down we will have a poorer air type No shelter for animals. No oxygen for humans.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Aim To study histogram, its processing and thresholding using histogram Theory The histogram of an image with fervor levels in the range O to L-1, where L-1 is the last intensity value in an image(e. g. 255 in gray scale image) is a discrete function h(rk)=nk where rk is the kth intensity value and nk is the number of pixels in the image with intensity rk. It is common practice to anneal a histogram by dividing each of its components by the total number of pixels in the image, denoted by the product MN, where M and N are the row and column dimensions of the image. consequently normalized histogram is given by p(rk)=nk/M*N, for .P(rk) is nothing but probability of occurrence of intensity level rk in the image. The sum of all components of a normalized histogram is equal to 1 . Histogram processing Global Processing Histogram Equalization come across enhancement techniques are used to improve an image, where improve is sometimes defined objectively (e. g. , increase the signal-to- noise ratio), and sometimes subjectively (e. g. , make certain features easier to see by modifying the colors or intensities). Intensity adjustment is an image enhancement technique hat maps an images intensity values to a new range.You do-nothing adjust the intensity values in an image using the imadJust function, where you specify the range of intensity values in the output image. this code increases the contrast in a low- contrast grayscale image by remapping the data values to fill the entire intensity range 0255 in case of grayscale image. The process of adjusting intensity values can be done automatically by the histeq function. histeq performs histogram equalization, which involves transforming the intensity values so that the histogram of the output image nearly matches a specified histogram.By default, histeq tries to match a flat histogram with 64 bins, but you can specify a different histogram instead. In, general if r is original unsettled and s is transformed variabl e, Let pr(r) and PS(s) denote PDFS of r and s and subscripts on p indictes that pr and ps are different functions in general. A thoroughgoing result from basic probability theory is that if pr(r) and T(r) is known and T(r) is continuous and differential over the range of values of interest, hence the PDF of the transformed variable s can be obtained using the simple formula Ps(s)=pr(r)mod(dr/ds).Local Processing There are cases in which it is necessary to enhance details over small areas in an image. The resultant is to devise transformation functions based on the intensity distributions in a resemblance of every pixel in the image. The procedure is to define a neighborhood and move its center from pixel to pixel. At each location, the histogram of the points in the neighborhood is computed and either a histogram equalization or histogram specification transformation is obtained. This function is then used to map the intensity of the pixel centered in the neighborhood.The center ot the neighborh egion is procedure is repeated. Histogram Thresholding then m to an ad Jacent pixel location and t Image segmentation can be done using histogram thresholding. It involves partitioning an image into regions that are similar according to a predefined criterion. Suppose that the gray-level histogram corresponds to an image, f(x,y), composed of dark objects in a light background, in such a way that object and background pixels have gray levels grouped into dickens dominant modes. One diaphanous way to extract the objects from the background is to select a threshold T that separates these modes.Then any point (x,y) for which T is called an object point, otherwise, the point is called a background point. If two dominant modes characterize the image histogram, it is called a bimodal histogram. Only one threshold is enough for partitioning the image. If an image is composed of two types of light objects on a dark background, three or more dominant modes characterize th e image histogram. In such a case the histogram has to be partitioned by denary thresholds. Multilevel thresholding classifies a point (x,y) as belonging to one object class and to the background if T and G2 consisting of pixels with values
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Everybody Hates Chris
Everybody Hates Chris I have watched Everybody Hates Chris ever since I was 10 years old and I still find it to be the best comedic boob tube plant on Nick at Night. When you have Chris Rock as the narrator, how can you not laugh? This show is considered to be one of the best shows on TV for familys and younger children. It normally plays at 900 pm every weekday on Nick at Night. You can sometimes catch it weekdays rough noon on B. E. T. I like having the show on at this time because on school nights it gives me something to relax to and laugh at.I be intimate everything about this show because it has a common aspect to each installing, has many genres, and the showcases ar fun and easy to relate to. The main character of the TV show is named is Chris and every episode revolves around him and his family. Chris is a normal child who has a sister, brother, mother and father. They live together in NY, where they spend their days working and going to school on the button like any other family. He is the oldest child, so he is in charge of taking care of his younger siblings Drew and Tonya.While Chris is at school, he is the entirely black kid in his class so he gets picked on and judged all the time. Him and his best friend, Greg, are what you would call the nerds or losers in the class. His sharpness and character helps Chris without the show but he allow for have to go through many obstacles, at home and in school, in order to bend up. In every episode the plot is that Chris, the oldest child in the family, must denounce certain decisions and act upon helping the people he is surrounded by. individually episode he is given a certain task or problem he has to solve.The best part of the show is that no matter what Chris does in the end someone hates him for what he did. For example, in one episode he has to make $100 to pay back his dad for buying tickets to a concert. He lied to his dad that he needed books for the new job, which comes back to haunt h im. The first thing he does was find a job, which happened to be at a funeral home. But of course Chris didnt read the agreement he signed and didnt see that he does not get paid in cash. kind of they give him currency for books to learn more about the funeral home process.Then the day the concert arrives the manager makes Chris stay until he finishes all his work. Chris was left sitting and mold the caskets until the next day which meant he didnt make the concert. He was okay with this because he learned something new and had a fun time with the manager. Never the little in the end he goes to receive his pay check to pay-back his dad and realizes it isnt cash What is this, I thought I was getting paid, not a gift certificate for books explained Chris. You mean you didnt use my money for books when I gave you that $100 Chriss dad screamed. Well Chris you still owe me $100 dollars and are in a lot of trouble. You can start to see the trend because in the end his dad is upset wi th him and he can never make everyone happy. This is where the different genres come into play because you have this comedy TV show that also has suspense and humorous drama. Some scenes can also dramatic sleep and heartfelt ones. Most of the heartfelt scenes come when Chriss mother explains the situation to him and helps him solve his problems.An example would be where she sat him down to talk about wherefore he shouldnt have skipped school. This plays a huge role in the reoccurring theme of Everybody Hates Chris. Every episode you can one hundred percent think on having the same theme, where Chris is given a problem and must find a way to solve it. Then you will have his parents and siblings argue with him or one another. His mother can be very outspoken at times While his father, on the other hand, is more conscious about their money and how it affects him. His siblings like to get him trouble a lot and they succeed at doing this.After all the action happens Chris will usually have a break through and solve his problem. Then he thinks he has done a good job and got away with whatever he did wrong. When in the end, all of the viewers know someone always makes that solution turn around and have them hate Chris. This TV show does an excellent job of portraying a normal family back in the day where you have three children and normally the father would work two jobs with the expenses being so high. It is a great stereotypical family that will make your own family laugh at the things they do.Viewers find it humorous because they can relate to the jokes and activities Chriss family pulls during the TV show. I know that I have related the show to my own family multiple times. This is a great family show that will let you relax and give you a few laughs to relieve all that stress. If you love to be with your family and laughing at comedy TV shows, I would recommend this show because I believe it is the best one out there. Compared to todays shows, Everybody Hate s Chris, sticks to the family appropriate level and will have your family laughing for hours at a time.
Friday, May 24, 2019
John Dalton and Atomic Theory Outline and Sources
John Dalton and Atomic Theory John Dalton was a British scientist who made important contributions to information and to the atomic posture specifically. I. Experiences in his life that led to his interest in science and the study of the atom A. Education and teaching career brought him in striking with amateur meteorologists B. Mentors and meteorology directed his interest toward air pressure and properties of gaseous instalments C. Study of elements led to interest in components of elements and his atomic theory. D.This is the general path to his discoveries. However, no one knows specifically how he reached most of his conclusions about atoms. II. Work on the atom and its contribution to the modern atomic model A. Lavoisiers Law influenced Daltons assertion that atoms cannot be created, destroyed, or subdivided. B. Prousts Law of Definite Proportions led Dalton to his Law of Multiple Proportions C. He was trying to explain why water absorbs diverse gases in different proporti ons. D. Contributions 1. All matter consists of tiny particles, atoms. 2.Atoms cannot be created, destroyed, separated into smaller split or transformed into another element. 3. All atoms of the same element have identical weights, while atoms of different elements have different weights. 4. When elements react, their atoms combine in simple, whole-number ratios. 5. When elements react, their atoms sometimes combine in more than one simple, whole-number ratio. 6. When atoms combine in entirely one ratio, they are combining in a 11 ratio. III. Contributions which were eventually disproven and thus are not part of the modern model A.The idea that atoms that combine in only one ratio do so in a 11 ratio not only led him to wrong conclusions, but also caused his theory to be rejected for many years. B. Another mistaken idea was that atoms cannot be separated into smaller parts or transformed into another element. C. The assertion that all atoms of the same element have identical weigh ts, while atoms of different elements have different weights is inaccurate. IV. Conclusion A. His seduce was important and foundational to modern atomic model. Sources 1 John Dalton (British Scientist) Atomic Theory. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n. d. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. . 2 Lefers, Mark, and Holmgren Lab. Northwestern University/Morimoto Laboratory-Definitions. Online Posting. Morimoto Laboratory. Northwestern University, 26 July 2004. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. . 3 John Dalton Biography. Bio. com. A&E Networks Television, n. d. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. . 4 Senese, Fred. Foundations of Daltons Atomic Theory. General Chemistry Online Companion Notes Atoms & Ions Daltons Atomic Theory Daltons Postulates. N. p. , 25 July 2005. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. .
Thursday, May 23, 2019
How Powerful Do You Find Atticus Finchââ¬Ã¢¢s Closing Speech?
In a final bid to secure freedom for tom turkey Robinson, genus Atticus Finch uses several linguistic tools in his last lecture to the jury to attempt to sway their opinions of Toms guilt in the crime. Emotive language is utilize in Atticuss speech to create a powerful effect in his audience. He first uses to make people feel poor for Mayella Ewell She is the victim of cruel poverty and ignorance.Use of the word victim is effective in building pity for Mayella, as it implies that she is not at fault for her misfortunes and is quite the poor unfortunate soul suffering due to circumstances that she could not control. This pity is then used as a way for the jurors to feel a connection with Tom, who, as Atticus points out, is a quiet, respectable, humble Negro who had the unmitigated temerity to feel sorry for a white woman.By reminding the jurors that Tom is not so different from them, in that they all pity Mayella, Atticus relates them with Tom. Pity for Tom is also evoked, as Atti cus reminds the jurors that Tom was merely a quiet, respectable, humble Negro. Words such as humble builds up an image of an unassuming man and plants a inadequate seed of doubt just about Toms guilt in the minds of the jurors. Atticus also tries to lead the jury to feel pity for Tom by putting a little emphasis on Toms plight Tom has had to put his word against two white peoples. In that time of racial loss, for Tom to nullify any white person was a desperate path, as black people are usually assumed to be in the wrong automatically, and therefore, through reminding the jurors of Toms testimony, Atticus is attempting to bring forth pity for Tom. The tone of the state ment also suggests that such a drastic action was not by choice with the phrase has had to, Atticus is insinuating that it was Toms last resort, that Tom was forced by the circumstances to challenge the Ewellss testimonies.The register is presented to the jury in a clear manner in that location is circumstantial evidence to indicate that Mayella Ewell was beaten savagely by someone who led almost exclusively with his go forth and Tom Robinson now sits before you, having taken the oath with the only good hand he possesses his right hand. Here, Atticus is very definite on the evidence and leaves no room for ambiguity he emphasises the fact that Tom had only one functional hand, his right.The effect of this observation is powerful, because it forces the jury to take a present moment and reconsider Atticuss statement clearly outlines that Mayella was beaten by a left-hander, a feat impossible for the crippled Tom, therefore reinforcing an earlier effrontery by Atticus The defendant is not guilty, but someone in this court-room is. The tone in this allegation adds a little dramatic tension to the gloriole of the courtroom and helps Atticus gain the interest and attention of the audience as they wait to hear to whom Atticus has assigned the guilt.The tone of Atticuss speech also brings in another persuasive element. An example of this is seen when Atticus disdains the assumption that all black people are liars and immoral beings not to be bank around white women Which, gentlemen, we know is in itself a lie as black as Tom Robinsons skin, a lie I do not have to point out to you. The words of this statement suggest a rather forceful tone as Atticus asserts that to stereotype is wrong. done the use of inclusive phrases, such as we know, Atticus is also able to evoke a slight feeling of shame in the jurors as he indirectly reprimands their prejudice by implying that they ought to have known that their generalisation of black people was simply not true. Atticus tries further to break this long-ingrained prejudice by telling his audience that they are all the same You know the truth and the truth is this some Negroes lie, some Negroes are immoral, some Negro men are not to be trusted around women black and white.But this is a truth that applies to the human race and to no particular race of men. There is not a person in this court-room who has never told a lie, who has never done an immoral thing, and there is no man living who has never looked upon a woman with desire. With this proclamation, Atticus is able to show that Tom is no different in character to anyone else and that the jury should not allow racist perceptions to influence their finding of fact and cause them to judge Tom basing their opinions on how likely they think those of his race are to commit this terrible offense.Atticus later augments his plea by noting that ideally, arbiter is blind But there is one way in this country in which all men are created decent The institution, gentlemen, is a court in our courts, all men are created equal. Atticus is beseeching the jurors to look upon the case with an unprejudiced eye, reminding all that everyone deserves justice, regardless of skin colour.His point, that all men are created equal, is also repeated, to emphasise that a jury, or indeed, anyone at all, should not judge based on race, but on the truth. Personally, I find Atticuss speech extremely powerful in that it is deeply convincing. The manipulation and use of the words is also incredibly effective, causing the audience to feel exactly as intended and by the end of the speech, one could hardly doubt that Tom was truly innocent of the heinous crime of which he was accused.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Awareness of the Parents about the K to 12 procreation in its world(a) sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of others, but may also be autodidactic.1 Any experience that has a formative effect on the government agency one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational.12-Year Basic Education CycleUniversal KindergartenMadaris EducationTechnical-Vocational EducationEvery Child a Reader by Grade OneScience and Math ProficiencyGASTPE (Gov. Assistance to Student and Teachers to Private Education) Medium of InstructionQuality TextbooksCovenant with LGUsThe Philippines is the only remaining hoidenish in Asia with a 10-year pre-university program.The majority who do not go to college are too young to enter the labor force. Thus, they would either be unemployed or be vulnerable to exploitat ive labor applys. Those who may be interested to set up businesses cannot legally enter into contracts.The few, (only 23%) who would proceed to tertiary education, ordinarily have to undergo remedial and high school level classes in colleges and universities. Those who graduate (17%) may not be recognized as professionals abroad.The Washington allot prescribes 12 years of basic education as an entry to recognition of engineering professionals. The Bologna Accord requires 12years of education for university admission and practice of profession in European countries.We need to add two years to our basic education. Those who can afford pay up to fourteen years of schooling before university. Thus, their children are getting into the best universities and the best jobs after graduation. I want at least 12 years for our public school children to deed over them an even chance at succeeding.-Pres. Benigno Simeon C. Aquino IIIEnhancement of the basic education curriculum is the central focus of K to 12. The enhanced curriculum will shot areas of specialization or electives such as science and technology, arts, sports, journalism, tech-voc, foreign language, entrepreneurship, and subjects for advanced placement.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Aviation Technology
Although the United States Federal zephyr Administration (FAA) runs one of the safest air transportation systems in the whole world, it is foreseeing an aviation problem caused by increasing rider numbers and consequently, more crowded skies (U.S. Government Accountability Office GAO, 2007). The number of passengers is expected to reach 1 billion per year 8 years from now.FAA (2007) shows preserve that if it does non take action, there bequeath be far greater delays than what is being experienced right now, leading to economic losses which could amount to $22 billion. That is why the agency is starting to institute transformations in its system to address this key issue.One of these is the transition from the currently-used system to the Next Generation Air Transportation dust (NextGen) a step that promises to prevent gridlock in the skies.One of the critical components of NextGen is ADS-B, short for Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast, which is considered to be the back bone of the NextGen system and utilizes GPS satellite signals to provide some(prenominal) pilots and air traffic control stations with more precise information to en fit a more cost-effective and safer use of the skies (FAA, 2007).How Does ADS-B Work?Unlike microwave radiolocation which involves shineting electromagnetic pulses and bouncing them off airborne targets and then interpreting reflected signals, ADS-B works by relying on satellite-based GPS system in order to determine the aircrafts exact position as well as a host of other parameters such as the aircrafts speed, route, heading, altitude and flight number (ADS-B, 2007 ADS-B Creates a New Standard for Aviation Safety, 2007).These information are broadcasted via a radio transmitter and abide be received by other aircrafts, lay d let stations and ground vehicles that are also fit out with ADS-B (Caisso, 2001). Aircrafts and ground control stations within 150-200 miles of the broadcasting aircraft (orADS-B ground stati on) receive the information and display it in an easily understandable format in a computer screen. Pilots can view this information on a Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) bandage air traffic controllers on the ground can see the ADS-B aircrafts on their regular traffic display screen (ADS-B Creates a New Standard for Aviation Safety, 2007).Users of ADS-B are assured of receiving air traffic information in real-time which means that both the pilot and the controller on the ground can both view the same information at the same time.Benefits of ADS-BOne of the major benefits of ADS-B, as stated earlier, is the ability of both the pilot and the ground station, when both equipped with ADS-B, to view reliable and accurate air traffic information in real time. There will also be less need for aircrafts to continually send and receive signals from ground-based controllers (FAA, 2007). This will lighten the load of air traffic controllers, enabling them to accommodate and serve more aircrafts at a more efficient rate.The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) also supports the governments move to pursue ADS-B in lieu of radar and other surveillance technologies, stating that their members can benefit from ADS-B as it is able to provide graphic weather updates and textual flight advisories (AOPA, 2006).These information were considered to be an expensive add-on to existing aviation technology resulting to its unpopular use in aircrafts (ADS-B Creates a New Standard for Aviation Safety, 2007). Furthermore, AOPA believes that FAA can have enormous savings because ground-based transmitters cost at approximately $200,000 as opposed to radar systems that cost the government millions of dollars.ADS-BAnother reason why ADS-B is preferable to radar systems is that aside from it being less expensive than radars, ADS-B updates at least once a import compared to radars which can sometimes take as long as 12 seconds (AOPA, 2006 FAA, 2007). ADS-B also has wide r coverage and ADS-B ground station can be put in place more easily than radars. In fact, FAAs Capstone Program involved equipping airlines and air taxis in southwestern United States Alaska with the new technology.The region was curiously chosen because most of the ground is frozen for the whole year making a lot of places inaccessible by land (FAA, 2001). Furthermore, remote areas cannot be reached by radars making the place a perfect testing ground for ADS-B technology. Starting in 1999, the program has continued until at present and has even expanded to overwhelm two more phases.The use of ADS-B has reduced accidents in the Yukon-Kuskokwim River Delta a place not reached by conventional radar by 43 percent in 2003-2006 (Stapleton, 2006). The results of the Capstone program proves that ADS-B technology can be used to increase efficiency and safety in aircrafts.The drop in the number of accidents in Southwest Alaska can probably be attributed to ADS-Bs ability to enhance aviat ion safety by providing pilots with features such as automatic traffic call-outs and warnings of impending arrivals or take-offs in the runway (ADS-B Creates a New Standard for Aviation Safety, 2007).ADS-B, having a range of more than 100 miles, provides the aircraft with a wider margin in which to come across conflict (e.g. an imminent collision). Compared to existing systems, resolution of conflicts can be enacted within a shorter span of time.Disadvantages of ADS-BBenenson (2005) noted a certain disadvantage of ADS-B while flying his Cessna Cardinal, which he equipped with ADS-B UAT (Universal Access Transceiver). It was notADS-B 5really a disadvantage of the technology itself but rather to the lack of ground-based transceivers (GBTs) at present. In order for non-ADS-B aircrafts to be displayed in a CDTI, the ADS-B equipped plane must be within the line of sight of a GBT. The GBT sends traffic information coming from air traffic surveillance sensors, most probably radar.The rad ar information however is not as accurate as the one received through ADS-B, so the non-ADS-B plane appears in the CDTI distorted. associate to this, pilots who are equipped with the new technology may be over-confident, thinking that he perfectly understands the surrounding traffic, forgetting that only equipped aircraft are able to transmit their position quite clearly (Caisso, 2001).Evans (2006) tackles more serious issues such as the risk of spoofing by individuals whose sole intent is to produce as many ludicrous ASD-B targets on an air traffic controllers screen. Dick Smith, the former head of Australias Civil Aviation Authority, was the first to make public the verity of such a risk. He claimed that spoofing can be done using a laptop, an ADS-B transceiver and a $5 antenna.ADS-B experts in the United States, after performing their own tests, agreed with Smith that spoofing is indeed possible with the new technology. FAA, being aware of such a possibility, are putting the p ressure on the bidders for ground stations, which should be able to show their systems anti-spoofing ability.Although ADS-B is seen to be less expensive than radar, airline and aviation companies still think that the new technology is not worth the amount theyre going to spend to replace existing systems and are holding off buying until the prices drop (Evans, 2006).However, the prices are not likely to go down until there is a greater demand for the technology. ADS-B Program Manager Vincent Capezzuto said that if consumers are not willing to make any investment risks, it will be difficult to follow airspace mandates and delays in the benefits offered by the program could be delayed.ADS-B 6Evans (2006) also tackled the danger of completely relying on GPS for aircraft navigation and surveillance. FAA acknowledges that GPS may be prone to interference and of course, failure. When such a situation arises, an ADS-B equipped aircraft will have no means by which to obtain air traffic in formation. It is and so critical to come up with a backup system.The Implication of ADS-B in the Aviation IndustryADS-B can be considered a milestone in the aviation industry. neer before has there been a technology that can provide so much air traffic information and a lot of other features with moreover a single equipment. With the large volume of passengers and greater air traffic expected by FAA in the coming years, ADS-B seems to be a viable (if not the most) answer to this issue.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Perhaps youre expression to boost your physical per inventance or maybe you sine qua non to complete a a couple of(prenominal) extra pounds. What if you Just want to collar how to squander better? When youre In necessitate of provender advice, who should you turn alike? A registered taleteller? A victualsist? Whos the competent nourishmental professional person person? (Dont forget to look up) Through come forth this presentation, Ill be discussing the terminology In the soma concludes why It should It should be regulated In genus Arizona, and Impact It has to the normal. . This lowlife be a confusing number for the public.Arent viandsitians and nutritionists the name issue? NO Although a good deal wasting dis jutting interchangeably, registered dietitian is non synonymous with nutritionist. nutrimentist is non a professionally regulated term?there be no minimal academic or bringing up qualifications which fashion that any(prenominal) whiz tramp eco nomic consumption the title nutritionist and lapse nutrition advice, even If they arouse absolutely no telescope In nutrition In the narrate of Arizona . In contrast, registered tattletale Is a professionally regulated term. The registered tattletale credential Is earned by completing a minimum of a four-year nutrition degree In an the Statesn DieteticAssociation accredited program a minimum of 1200 hours of over come upon manage recognize in dietetics, and the victorful passage of the nationally administered board exam. In increase, the registered dietitian is required to complete 75 hours of approved continuing reading credits every five years to throw their registration. This is because as a dietitian you need to stay on top of the game, and discern whats going on. However, if youre looking to work with aboutone al looks do background in attaination, and if thieve with an accredited program thats based dark erudition and not the latest fad. Currently some, and if not all kingdoms append licensee to nutrition professionals, control the use of a particular title, such as tattletale, to those meeting certain academic and dressing requirements few states mandate that all pass nutritionary professionals can succeed nutritional counseling. It seems cast- exhortic that there be licenses regulating the practice of over 100 professionals from manicurist and barber to mortician, yet, in numerous states anyone can impose them ego a nutritionist and give out nutrition advice. You should overly be aw be that certification is not the same as censure. Next slide with state map) Why welcoment states such Eke Arizona licensed dietitians in the past? Unfortunately, the lively link between nutrition and wellness has only recently received the tending it deserves. In addition, science has proven that nutrition plays an important part in the prevention and tr work throughment of many an(prenominal) another(prenominal) serious diseases. nutri tionists are now more recognized as wellnesscare professionals because of their educational background and experience. This Is Indicated by the fact that since 1984, 41 states earn passed laws recognizing as nutrition experts. But In Arizona, there Is no statue.If I want to call myself a nutritionist today, I can. And a major concern of un able nutrition mis development. Their nutritional claims can be without scientific support, and it can lead to misinterpretation of nutrition science as whole in a way discredit their hard work that theyve put into the research. Such misinformation can be apply to fuel food faddish, quackery, (Quackery is the promotion of unproven or fraudulent medical practices. ) health fraud, and can negatively impact the health and economic status of consumers. Which lead me to How has the public been harmed by Arizona not accessing dietitians.With the fit of interest in healthy eating and nutrition, consumers afford been faced with a dizzying arrange o f products and information. The public deserves to know that the information existence given by experts is based on science and is being given by item-by-items with appropriate education and experience. This is especially true of individuals who have medical conditions, which could be adversely requireed by unseemly nutrition counseling. Several states have documented cases of unqualified individuals fine-looking improper(a) nutritional advice, which has harmed patients.Unfortunately, many cases of healthcare fraud are never reported. A Congressional study on Quackery remark that state offices on aging ranked healthcare fraud (quackery) first as the area of disgust of roughly concern and with the greatest impact on seniors. The report to a fault adjudge that the great legal age of cases are never reported. Misinformed consumers are placing themselves at major nutritional and health risks by not only delaying appropriate, effective healthcare but replacing it with products, procedures or behaviors that are, at best, ineffective, and at welt harmful to their health.In addition many of the products and services promoted by unqualified nutrition consultants such like in the gym scene and can expensive. And this may cause excessive financial burden to the consumer. And again, unqualified nutrition consultants often use testimonials and un print or fabricated research to support their claims, while as registered dietitians use evidenced-based practice that is support by data published in peer-reviewed scientific Journals.And that leads us to a colossal concern with Nutrition experts thrive in the athletic arena yet few of these self-proclaimed experts would qualify as such eased on academic training and professional practice. While few athletes would consider victorious strength training or fitness advice from a dietitian, many have no problem fetching nutrition advice from a strength coach, personal trainer or equally unqualified individual. BUYER gain care Even if the information handed isnt free, the consumer would be wise to evaluate the information The Source ? is it from a qualified nutrition professional (I. . , registered dietitian) or one that lacks appropriate qualifications (I. E. , a nutritionist, personal trainer, strength coach, etc. ) The core ? s it reasonable? You should seek to determine if the information is supported by scientific research published in peer- reviewed scientific Journals. If the answer to either or both(prenominal) of these questions is no, then your health and sports performance go away likely take a hit. In conclusion, 1. Why should dietitians and nutritionists be licensed?Licensing of dietitians and nutritionists protects the public health by establishing minimum educational and experience criteria for those individuals who hold themselves out to be experts in food and nutrition. The state has an covenant to protect the health and safety of the public and licensing of dietitians and nutritionists is consistent with this stipulation. We have the ability and responsibility to urge consumers and lawmakers to learn about the prescribed role nutrition plays in healthy lifestyles and in disease management and treatment.For both individuals and society, the benefits of eating even off and exercising include improved qualities of life and lower health-care costs. Your activism is extremely important to the success of our national and state agenda and there are numerous ways to get involved. Reach out and contact our state and federal representatives Write your legislator a letter perpetrate your legislator a fax Send your legislator a institutionalise e-mail Call an elected official directly And also educate others by spreading the say about important issues Like on media sources, such as faceable and twitter.Possible Questions from Short Answers Gotten from http//www. Deteriorate. Org/images/stories/documents/licensee/ Licensee_Full_Backgrounder_2011 . PDF 5. Would licensee set aside anyone eject dietitians from giving nutritional advice? No. Licensee would not affect anyone that simply describes the nutritional value of products nor would it affect other latherer professionals. It would, however, provide recourse for victims of unqualified and unscrupulous individuals dispensing improper advice. 6. Arent too many professions and occupations already licensed by states?It is the contract of state legislatures to determine which professions and occupations should be licensed. A compelling case can be made for licensee of dietitians and nutritionists as healthcare professionals. 7. Isnt licensee an try on to monopolize the nutrition industry? No. The first obligation of registered dietitians and nutritionists is to serve the public, not sell rodents or services. Licensee is necessary because the public deserves to know which individuals have the educational background and experience to give nutritional advice.The health food and dietar y supplement industry is booming, even in states that have had licensee for many years. The key issue in licensee is accountability. The monopolizing argument is a desperate attempt to conceal the real issues of licensee. 8. volition licensing reduce competition or result in costlier services? No. formerly again, licensee is not an attempt to control any market. Licensee allows the public to now which individuals are qualified by education and experience to provide nutritional services.If unqualified individuals disseminate harmful nutrition information, licensee allows the state to take treat on behalf of the public against those unqualified individuals. Competition among open and honest individuals with the publics health and safety foremost in their minds give treat to grow and the Wont licensee cost the state a lot of money? No. Fees leave provide most of the revenue. Many states have approved legislation or rules to make licensee revenue neutral. Amendment X, U. S. gove rnance The enumeration in the report, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Notice and resolution of 9th Amendment Rights l, the undersigned, hereby declare the following congenital and God-given rights, as hold upd to the people, under the 9th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America and which rights I reserve as follows I reserve the right to seek or ask nutritional advice, counsel, information, recommendations, assessments, evaluations, tests and/or treatment(s), regimen(s), or modality(s) from the nutritionist(s) or doctor of my choice for any health reason or repose.I reserve the right to select or reject any individual(s) as my personal nutritionist(s) whether that individual be a Medical Doctor, Herbalist, Chiropractor, Health Food Store Clerk, Druggist, Nurse, Salesperson of health products, Naturopath, Naturopath, Radiologist, Colon Therapist, Priest, Pastor, Indian Medicine Man, Relative, Frie nd, dietician or anyone from the general citizenry who has, or has not, any known formal training or claimed knowledge, education, insights, or qualifications to be my nutritionist.I reserve the right to Freedom of Choice in Medicine in its most unsubtle construction including the right to choose my own diet obtain, purchase and use any treatment, therapy, regimen, modality, herb, drug, food, medicine or health product for any health condition I have or may have as evaluated by myself, the doctor, nutritionist, or therapist of my choice. Citation Dietitian vs. Nutritionist . (n. D. ). Dietitian vs. Nutritionist .NutritionWhen paying close attention to my diet, it becomes obvious very quickly that I do not get enough calcium in my diet. I am slightly low in other area, such as my Vitamin A and squeeze, but I am drastically low in my intake of calcium. The problem is that I truly dont like draw. I will take in chocolate milk on occasion and will eat some milk-based products incl uding ice cream, yogurt and cheeses, but I do not eat enough of these to get my recommended daily allowance of calcium.My intake of fruits is serious about right, though it can be a bit on the high side when I choose to drink juice rather of eating whole fruits. I prefer fruit juice as a method of consuming fruits largely because it is simple and quick. Grabbing a glass of juice on the way out of the house in the dayspring is my favorite form of breakfast. The problem is that most juices also come with more sugar and calories than the raw firm fruit. I have decided to substitute zippy fruit for my fruit juice as a way to minimize my calorie intact and increase my fiber intake.My fiber content is generally pretty good because I prefer whole grains to etiolated grains, white rice and potatoes. Some days by intake of grains is low because I choose to eat more salads and vegetables, but on other days it can be within the normal range. On average, it is a little on the low side, b ut not so bad that I estimate I need to change it. I consume plenty of lean protein, mostly in the form of chicken, so I have not had any problems with my cholesterol or overall far intake.However, because I consume red meat rarely and do not eat enough dark cat valium vegetables, the amount of iron I consume on a regular basis is not sufficient. I am not willing to eat liver or many other high iron foods, so I had to go searching for new options for iron intake. What I discovered were baby spinach and broccoli. I will eat baby spinach as part of a salad and broccoli is one of the few vegetables that I truly enjoy. I was skilful to discover that broccoli is also high in Vitamin A, another nutrient that I did not have enough of in my diet analysis.I was happy to discover that I probably dont need the multi-vitamin I have been taking except for the iron supplement. I might need the Vitamin A as well, but otherwise, I seem to be meeting my basic health needs for minerals and vitami ns. I think it is very important to change my iron and Vitamin A intake as both are imperative for demarcation health and I have recently been told that I might be borderline anemic.Since I have previously had to take iron pills and effectuate them disgusting and nauseating, I have decided it is important to add iron to my diet in a natural manner. I have changed my lunch menu to include baby spinach salads and added broccoli to several meals per week. I have also decided to add additional red meat to my diet until my iron levels are acceptable. Vitamin A is also an antioxidant, helping to cleanse the body from cancer-causing chemicals and other contaminents. This is another service of adding more broccoli to my diet. Broccoli is also very high in Vitamin A which is an added bonus.These changes have worked pretty well so far and I have not noticed any real engagement in my energy levels, but the doctor did say that returning my iron levels to normal would take some time. What I have noticed is that I am enjoying my meals more. They take slightly longer to prepared, but instead of thrown together meals on the run, I am actually thinking about what I eat and when. Knowing that I am eating healthier makes me feel better about myself, regardless of whether it effectuate my overall energy level. In addition, I believe it means that I will eventually see the results on the scale and I know that I will see it in my next blood tests.Now that I have made these changes, my next goals are to eliminate more of the processed food from my diet, substitute whole fruits for juice, and try portion control. Generally, I have not under consumed anything except vegetables and milk and have regularly over consumes fruits, grains and even proteins, depending on the day. Some days I would have too much of one, some days another.My plan is to actually cook more of my food myself, instead of relying on drive-thrus or grab-n-go food options. By choosing fewer canned foods and mor e fresh fruits and vegetables, I will burn down my intake of unneeded fats and sodium and retain more of the natural vitamins in the foods I eat.I have also decided that I will replace my fruit juice with whole fruit, even though fruit takes a bit more effort. Again, I will be losing unnecessary additives and retaining more of the natural nutrients of my food. To supplement this process, I will begin actually eating breakfast rather than drinking washing soda or juice as my morning meal. My initial intention is to use yogurt and cheese as staples of this meal to both increase my calcium intake and to provide a good protein base for the morning meal.The third major change I intend to make in my diet is in the form of portion control. I will be subdividing large packages when I buy them as a way to keep from overeating various treats and will be measuring my grains and proteins so that I can be assured that I am eating a healthy amount of these things, not several servings at one ti me. I believe this will be especially useful with snack foods and cereal which are easy to not measure and eat too much of.I believe that taking these actions will ultimately lead to wait loss as I teach my body to eat the proper amounts of nutrients and the proper amount of calories, rather than letting my appetite determine what I consume. I have also begun to shop healthier, forgoing potato chips and cookies in favor of carrots and walnuts as quick snacks. I have found that within just a week of making these changes, my desire for sugary and fatty snacks began to fade and I actually wanted to eat vegetables.The one thing that has been hard to resist has been ranch dressing for dipping the carrot sticks in, but I have begun to appreciate the inherent sweetness of carrots and find myself reaching for them when I want something sweet. They also have a satisfying crunch that I formerly got from potato and lemon yellow chips.In short, I believe my diet was not particularly bad, but it had room for tweaking and improving. Now, I know that I am getting my recommended daily nutrients without having to take a vitamin supplement and I am enjoying my food more. Previously, I had grabbed food in front of the television or while walking out the door and often did not pay attention to what I was consuming. Now, I am confident that I eat when I am hungry and I am teaching my body to appreciate more than just corn chips and soda.NutritionPerhaps youre looking to boost your physical performance or maybe you want to drop a few extra pounds. What if you Just want to learn how to eat healthier? When youre In need of nutrition advice, who should you turn too? A registered tattletale? A nutritionist? Whos the qualified nutritional professional? (Dont forget to look up) Throughout this presentation, Ill be discussing the terminology In the name reasons why It should It should be regulated In Arizona, and Impact It has to the public. . This can be a confusing topic for the publi c.Arent dietitians and nutritionists the name thing? NO Although often used interchangeably, registered dietitian is not synonymous with nutritionist. Nutritionist is not a professionally regulated term?there are no minimum academic or training qualifications which means that anyone can use the title nutritionist and give nutrition advice, even If they have absolutely no background In nutrition In the state of Arizona . In contrast, registered tattletale Is a professionally regulated term. The registered tattletale credential Is earned by completing a minimum of a four-year nutrition degree In an American DieteticAssociation accredited program a minimum of 1200 hours of supervised practice experience in dietetics, and the successful passage of the nationally administered board exam. In addition, the registered dietitian is required to complete 75 hours of approved continuing education credits every five years to maintain their registration. This is because as a dietitian you need t o stay on top of the game, and know whats going on. However, if youre looking to work with soul always do background information, and if thieve with an accredited program thats based off science and not the latest fad. Currently some, but not all states provide licensee to nutrition professionals, Limiting the use of a particular title, such as tattletale, to those meeting certain academic and training requirements few states mandate that only licensed nutritional professionals can provide nutritional counseling. It seems ironic that there are licenses regulating the practice of over 100 professionals from manicurist and barber to mortician, yet, in many states anyone can call them self a nutritionist and give out nutrition advice. You should also be aware that certification is not the same as censure. Next slide with state map) Why havent states such Eke Arizona licensed dietitians in the past? Unfortunately, the vital link between nutrition and health has only recently received t he attention it deserves. In addition, science has proven that nutrition plays an important part in the prevention and treatment of many serious diseases. Dietitians are now more recognized as healthcare professionals because of their educational background and experience. This Is Indicated by the fact that since 1984, 41 states have passed laws recognizing as nutrition experts. But In Arizona, there Is no statue.If I want to call myself a nutritionist today, I can. And a major concern of unqualified nutrition misinformation. Their nutritional claims can be without scientific support, and it can lead to misinterpretation of nutrition science as whole in a way discredit their hard work that theyve put into the research. Such misinformation can be used to fuel food faddish, quackery, (Quackery is the promotion of unproven or fraudulent medical practices. ) health fraud, and can negatively impact the health and economic status of consumers. Which lead me to How has the public been har med by Arizona not accessing dietitians.With the explosion of interest in healthy eating and nutrition, consumers have been faced with a dizzying array of products and information. The public deserves to know that the information being given by experts is based on science and is being given by individuals with appropriate education and experience. This is especially true of individuals who have medical conditions, which could be adversely affected by improper nutrition counseling. Several states have documented cases of unqualified individuals giving improper nutritional advice, which has harmed patients.Unfortunately, many cases of healthcare fraud are never reported. A Congressional study on Quackery noted that state offices on aging ranked healthcare fraud (quackery) first as the area of abuse of most concern and with the greatest impact on seniors. The report also acknowledged that the great majority of cases are never reported. Misinformed consumers are placing themselves at ma jor nutritional and health risks by not only delaying appropriate, effective healthcare but replacing it with products, procedures or behaviors that are, at best, ineffective, and at worst harmful to their health.In addition many of the products and services promoted by unqualified nutrition consultants such like in the gym setting and can expensive. And this may cause excessive financial burden to the consumer. And again, unqualified nutrition consultants often use testimonials and unpublished or fabricated research to support their claims, while as registered dietitians use evidenced-based practice that is supported by data published in peer-reviewed scientific Journals.And that leads us to a huge concern with Nutrition experts thrive in the athletic arena yet few of these self-proclaimed experts would qualify as such eased on academic training and professional practice. While few athletes would consider taking strength training or fitness advice from a dietitian, many have no pro blem taking nutrition advice from a strength coach, personal trainer or equally unqualified individual. BUYER BEWARE Even if the information handed isnt free, the consumer would be wise to evaluate the information The Source ? is it from a qualified nutrition professional (I. . , registered dietitian) or one that lacks appropriate qualifications (I. E. , a nutritionist, personal trainer, strength coach, etc. ) The Content ? s it credible? You should seek to determine if the information is supported by scientific research published in peer- reviewed scientific Journals. If the answer to either or both of these questions is no, then your health and sports performance will likely take a hit. In conclusion, 1. Why should dietitians and nutritionists be licensed?Licensing of dietitians and nutritionists protects the public health by establishing minimum educational and experience criteria for those individuals who hold themselves out to be experts in food and nutrition. The state has an obligation to protect the health and safety of the public and licensing of dietitians and nutritionists is consistent with this obligation. We have the ability and responsibility to urge consumers and lawmakers to learn about the positive role nutrition plays in healthy lifestyles and in disease management and treatment.For both individuals and society, the benefits of eating right and exercising include improved qualities of life and lower health-care costs. Your activism is extremely important to the success of our national and state agenda and there are numerous ways to get involved. Reach out and contact our state and federal representatives Write your legislator a letter Send your legislator a fax Send your legislator a direct e-mail Call an elected official directly And also educate others by spreading the word about important issues Like on media sources, such as faceable and twitter.Possible Questions from Short Answers Gotten from http//www. Deteriorate. Org/images/stori es/documents/licensee/ Licensee_Full_Backgrounder_2011 . PDF 5. Would licensee prohibit anyone except dietitians from giving nutritional advice? No. Licensee would not affect anyone that simply describes the nutritional value of products nor would it affect other latherer professionals. It would, however, provide recourse for victims of unqualified and unscrupulous individuals dispensing improper advice. 6. Arent too many professions and occupations already licensed by states?It is the obligation of state legislatures to determine which professions and occupations should be licensed. A compelling case can be made for licensee of dietitians and nutritionists as healthcare professionals. 7. Isnt licensee an attempt to monopolize the nutrition industry? No. The first obligation of registered dietitians and nutritionists is to serve the public, not sell rodents or services. Licensee is necessary because the public deserves to know which individuals have the educational background and ex perience to give nutritional advice.The health food and dietary supplement industry is booming, even in states that have had licensee for many years. The key issue in licensee is accountability. The monopolizing argument is a desperate attempt to obscure the real issues of licensee. 8. Will licensing reduce competition or result in costlier services? No. Once again, licensee is not an attempt to control any market. Licensee allows the public to now which individuals are qualified by education and experience to provide nutritional services.If unqualified individuals disseminate harmful nutrition information, licensee allows the state to take action on behalf of the public against those unqualified individuals. Competition among open and honest individuals with the publics health and safety foremost in their minds will continue to grow and the Wont licensee cost the state a lot of money? No. Fees will provide most of the revenue. Many states have approved legislation or rules to make licensee revenue neutral. Amendment X, U. S. Constitution The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Notice and Declaration of 9th Amendment Rights l, the undersigned, hereby declare the following natural and God-given rights, as reserved to the people, under the 9th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America and which rights I reserve as follows I reserve the right to seek or ask nutritional advice, counsel, information, recommendations, assessments, evaluations, tests and/or treatment(s), regimen(s), or modality(s) from the nutritionist(s) or doctor of my choice for any health reason or repose.I reserve the right to select or reject any individual(s) as my personal nutritionist(s) whether that individual be a Medical Doctor, Herbalist, Chiropractor, Health Food Store Clerk, Druggist, Nurse, Salesperson of health products, Naturopath, Naturopath, Radiologist, Colon Therapist, Priest, Pastor, Indian Medicine Man, Relative, Friend, Dietitian or anyone from the general citizenry who has, or has not, any known formal training or claimed knowledge, education, insights, or qualifications to be my nutritionist.I reserve the right to Freedom of Choice in Medicine in its most liberal construction including the right to choose my own diet obtain, purchase and use any treatment, therapy, regimen, modality, herb, drug, food, medicine or health product for any health condition I have or may have as evaluated by myself, the doctor, nutritionist, or therapist of my choice. Citation Dietitian vs. Nutritionist . (n. D. ). Dietitian vs. Nutritionist .
Sunday, May 19, 2019
750 Word Essay
Brianna Churchill Mr. Lee English 104 11 October 2012 George strait George Strait is one of countrys living legends, but to me he is much more. Hes my hero and my idle when it comes to not giving up. George grew up with his brother and dad after his mother leftfield them. He enlisted in the army after soaring school and married his high school sweetheart, Norma. George started notification while in the army. After he got out of the army he started trying to build a successful career in country music. It took George awhile to really launch his career. George Strait has more than 50 soma one gets.George Strait was born on May 18, 1952 in Poteet, Texas. Georges father, John Strait, was a junior high school math teacher and his mother was a homemaker. George was in fourth point when his mother and father divorced. George grew up with only his brother and their father taking care of them. After high school, George eloped to Mexico with his high school sweetheart. When they got back , their families made them have a small ceremony for family and friends to make it really official. George enlisted and began suffice in the army in 1971. While in the military he was stationed in Hawaii for three years.Norma moved to Hawaii to be with George. In 1972 George and Norma had their first child, Jenifer who died in a car accident at the age of 13. George taught himself how to play the guitar while in the army, playing country music from hit artists ilk merl Haggard, George Jones, Hank Williams, and Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys. He started a muckle that only lasted two months. George found out that the commanding incumbent was auditioning groups to entertain the base. George was hired and didnt have to wear a uniform and got to wear western bearing clothing.After being honorably discharged from the army in 1975, Strait went back to college and got a degree in agriculture. During and after college George played in a band for different bars and honkytonks. This ba nd was known as The Ace in the Hole. George joined this band after seeing their advertisement at college. One of the band members granddad was Pappy Daily who was the manager of George Jones. George began playing for more and more bars and honkytonks. This started his tattle career. Don Daily encouraged George and the band to come and come in a demo to distribute to record companies.George played at The Prairie Rose (whose owner was Erv Woolsey until he sold it). Erv went back to Nashville and got a stage business as the promotions head at MCA Records. George went to Nashville and played some songs for promos, but nothing seemed to click. He kept going back and forth from Texas to Nashville with nothing to show for it for the next four years. In 1979 he almost gave up on his dream of becoming a country music singer and write up for a job working for an outfit in Uvalde, Texas that designed cattle pens. Norma didnt like George moping around, so she told him to give it some other try.He decided to give it one more year. In 1980 George went and talked to Erv Woolsey, and they formed a plan that George would come and record three songs. With the three songs they started shopping for a record deal. Finally, he hit it with MCA Records. When George finally started his career he was considered the hat act, so in the 1990s every guy in country music tried the cowboy hat. In early country music, cowboy hats werent in high fashion, but with George Strait it became a signature style in country music and that lead to George being known as the original hat act.In 1981 he released his first single, Unwound. That same year George and Norma had another child George Harvey Strait, Jr. (Bubba). George then followed Unwound up with heel one hits like Fool Hearted Memory and ocean Front Property time and time once more. In 1984, George was announced Top Male Vocalist for honorary society of Country medicine. In 1985, George was announced Male Vocalist of The Year and had the Album of The Year for the Country Music Association (CMA) and Academy of Country Music (ACM).In 1986 he won Male Vocalist of The Year once again for the CMAs. In 1986 and 1987 he was Top Country Artists for Billboards. In 1988 George won Top Male Vocalist again for the ACMs. George continued to win these awards year after year until 1990. In 1990 George became Entertainer of the Year, the award he wanted most. He won the award again in 2000. In 1992 George starred in the movie Pure Country. In the opening song to the movie, Heartland, his son, Bubba, sings the beginning of the song and the vocals fades into George Sr. singing the rest of the song.Even though the movie wasnt as great(p) as his music, the soundtrack to the movie was considered his best album ever. He still continues to produce number one hits and records. In 2006, he was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. George was announced as Artist of the hug drug in 2009. George has had the best track record for country music in history. On February 2, 2012 George became a grandfather with his grandson becoming George Harvey Strait, III. George will be ending his touring career after his The Cowboy Rides Away Tour in 2014, but will still be making and recording country music.George Strait has 59 number one hit records and is known as a living legend and the King of Country Music. I choose to do this paper for the final because I thought it was stronger than my 1500 word paper. This paper to me had more heart and I was interested in it more than the other one. With this paper I have been given the opportunity to send it to George Strait, himself, to have it signed. I think this paper is going to help me out for a manage to win tickets to one of his shows. This paper has more meaning for me since I am such a big fan.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Define neighborly remainder and bring out few specific ways in which it is manifested. Social death is described as a opinion that is defined situationally by observing how a person is treated by others. (Kastenbaum, 56) Even if an individual is act to be destiny of a group, they may be disregarded or rejected. Any person flock exist affectionate death because we are all at the mercy of our peers. All people are looking to be accepted and feel like they are part of something greater than themselves.There are legion(predicate) ways that sociable death can perish. One of the most common occur because of a marriage. In some cultures, if an individual marries someone out of their religious or ethnic group they can experience social death. The individual may be ousted by their group, whether it is family, church, or peers. The individual would likely be in all cut off from that particular group. Social death can also occur if an individual violates some type of law.In west ern society if a person violates a law they can be absorbed and they may also strip a person of the rights of citizenship, and the church may excommunicate. (Kastenbaum, 56) On the same note, in a different culture a tribal person may be subjected to a bone-pointing observation (Kastenbaum, 56) where an individual may face a symbolic execution. They may also take away the individuals prop and redistribute it among the tribe. Another way a person may be exposed to a social death is by having a physical or mental disability.Many times people who are charge are treated less like a person and more like an object. The individual may be ignored or avoided which leads to a social death. Another social death can occur when an individual has a terminal illness. Many people do not want to acknowledge an individuals unfinished death, so they pretend as though the dying person is not there. Unfortunately, a social death may be the only option for an individual when people cannot accept tha t someone is dying.The worst part of this type of social death is that most times the dying person is still very much alive and aware of what is going on around them. No matter what the reason a social death must be the worst feeling. An individual must feel a sense of world unimportant and unloved when experiencing a social death. When a person is constantly ignored or discounted it is a deep emotional event that can cause the individual to think less of themselves. The concept of social death recognizes that when we die on the eyes of others, we may become somewhat less of a person. (Kastenbaum, 56)
Friday, May 17, 2019
Income Inequality Essay
Nowadays, China has become the second largest economy in the world. The gross domestic product (gross domestic product) of chinaware was growing at 9. 7% per year in average since 1978, which the year of Chinese open door politic founded. China also has become the biggest producer and consumer in many mainstay agricultural and industrial markets and the largest FDI recipient among the developing countries. The performance of china in developing of economy is called chinas scotch miracle, which be studied by many economists.However, there are also deadly results with the development of economy in china such as environment disruption, corruption and income divergence, which have been seen as most-valuable issues to Chinese society and its future economic growth. The income discrimination in china The rising income inequality in china is seen as the most important issue to Chinese society and its future economic growth by many economists recently. The income inequality in china is complex and multi-dimensional, which is divided to four aspects that rural-urban income inequality, regional inequality, marginalisation and class formation.The rural-urban income inequality actually has been existed in china since 1949. However, with the economic focus from agriculture shifting to industry, the rural-urban income inequality involves large change magnitude from 1984. These data which followed signifi cigarettly showed the huge increasing of urban-rural income inequality in china Figure 1 Urban and rural incomes per capita (1978-2006) Figure 2 Ratio of urban/rural incomes per capita (1978-2006)As shown in figure 1, the urban-rural income inequality per capita increased from 200 Yuan at 1978 to about 8,000 Yuan at 2006.The figure 2 also showed about the increasing urban-rural income inequality that the ratio of urban to rural income per capita increased from 2. 5 at 1978 to 3. 3 by 2007 though it lower to 1. 8 at 1984. The regional income inequality is mainly ca used by the open door policy. The provinces near coast in china such as Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang have geographical advantage to get FDI (foreign direct investment) and export products.At the same time, the Chinese government activity made these places as special economic zones, which provided preferential tax policy to foreign investors to make a some people rich first. As the figure 3 showed below, the einsteinium only accounted for 42. 8% population but get 86. 9% FDI and 92. 6% exports in china. The centre and west just get very little FDI and exports. Therefore, this policy tendency and geographical advantage made a deep rupture between regional areas, mainly the southeast and northwest areas.Figure 3 Regional income inequalities in GDP, FDI, and exports in China in 2006Figure 4 Regional income inequalities in per capita GDP, 1992 and 2007 at current prices As shown in figure 4, the regional income inequality in per capita GDP was not signifi cornerstonet in 1992 exce pt few cities like Beijing and shanghai. However, the data showed that in 2007, there is an obvious income inequality per capita GDP between east and west, which the highest number is 7 times to the lowest number. The Marginalisation and class formation are the other important aspects of income inequality in China.Economists usually use the Gini coefficients to describe the income inequality in a significant way. The Gini coefficient can range from 0 to 1 it is sometimes multiplied by 100 to range between 0 and 100. A low Gini coefficient indicates a more equal distribution, with 0 corresponding to complete equality, while high Gini coefficients indicate more unequal distribution, with 1 corresponding to complete inequality. Generally, the income inequality is acceptable if the Gini coefficient range from 0. 2-0. 4, and we can see the Gini coefficients of China bellowed.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Homeless o Harvard
Homeless to Harvard This movie is about a little girl,Liz Murray who transformed her life. She became homeless by the measure she was 1 5. Her parents were both drug-addicted,and her mother was also an alcoholic. But she became the top of her school and finally got in to Harvard,one of the greatest universities in the world. As for me,my family is a typical middle-class family I give birth every reason to clamber ,to be someone great,but yet I book every reason to not to I give the axe still live comfortable anyway .But everyday I aka up in the morning and I feel like I am struggling in a way that not everybody bath see. I feel like I have so numerous visions for my future and I penury to accomplish them so badly,but theres always a noise in my head that keeps telling me that the things I rent to do can wait till later. Everyone go to beds that we cant keep telling ourselves later,but we Just kept doing it. I had many great experiences,l bop what it feels like being far be yond excellent ,and being top of the class.I sleep together how It feels of trying my aridest,but in the same time I know how it feels being like a loser,l know how it feels like,when everyone In the room is Judging you. With all the experiences I had,there are far more than Just both sides of me what are fighting. I cant divide myself Into simply two sides,the good side of me and the bad side of me. The choices I make are not always Just alternative. After seeing this movie I know that I cant keep talking to myself about past and spend all my days regretting. I have myself and I have to tint forward. cant keep pushing away taking, stepping Into my life In the biggest sense.People say that look Into your failure so that the next time you wont do the same,but we cant always look for blames and keep asking ourselves why didnt It work out. We should step forward and move on,tell ourselves that nothing happened In the past counts. We should ask ourselves what next and be up for It,w e are only responsible for what will happen and what Is happening. I realized that I dont have to be stuck In this situation Im In. I am going to figure out whats holding me back,and relieve let. Thats what this movie taught me, my life Isnt later. It Is now.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
WAN Technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
sick Technologies - Essay prototypeWAN uses private or public network transport like internet to connect to the network. WAN can be used to transmit data across different LANs on a spherical scale.Types of protocol are distinguished by their capacity to convey data across different distances (Muller 2003). Ethernet is the most(prenominal) common LAN protocol mostly used in offices and homes. Internet protocol on the separate hand is the most common WAN protocol used universally.The users need to use strong passwords and apparatus proper security policy to prevent leaking out passwords to UN authorized users who may use the passwords to access untoughened information in the system (Ray 2009).The major challenges of setting up a global WAN fraternity are the difference in time zones and language barrier. By optimizing the WAN, the time taken to conduct different processes like downloading important data will be hugely reduced and enhance the productivity of the organization. accord to Marcus (1999), the security of data also needs to be enhanced to safeguard the data from people that efficacy want to corrupt the data of use it for unauthorized
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Answer the questions about Game industry and innovation Essay
Answer the questions approximately Game industry and innovation - Essay Exampledemographic factors in the U.S have influenced the operation and success of the Japanese industry in international market oddly the U.S (Inafune, 2011).The sex, age, and marital status of the American citizens have different attitudes about imported products because they aim at promoting house servant industry than international companies. Therefore, Japanese game industry needs to merge with American company in order to succeed in the U.S market. In addition, the Japanese industry does not use modern engineering science like its competitors in the U.S. For instance, Japanese game engineering science is lurking behind than its competitors in the U.S. It is clear that the technical tincture and the user interfaces have been enhanced but some concepts such as the game play and envision are the same. This shows luck of originality and innovation.The company only commands ten percent of the external mar ket. For instance, in 2002, the company claimed about 50 percent share of global revenues but it declined in subsequent years because of fierce competition, demographic changes, and poor technology.The key performance indicator of the Japanese game industry is attempting to increase the sales in order to avert considerations like whether to measure value of sales (products). The company should adopt modern technology in order to remain in the market. Taking advantage of the new available and emerging technologies is gigantic (Inafune, 2011). The reality is an issue yet to be solved by most of the organizations. The complexity and cost capitulation out most small and medium enterprises. Organizational goals achieved by aligning business strategy, culture, process and technology in the business environment improve the effectiveness of the organization. It ensures the balance between the future and the present demands for a sustainable operation of the organization. In a business env ironment, the degree to which objectives of the organization are achieved can be termed as the
Monday, May 13, 2019
Social Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social Marketing - Essay ExampleThe selling of social issues has become a art that is in the same league as selling soap or automobiles. The concept got its beginnings when Phillip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman pursued the application of marketing technologies to the realm of social issues and coined the term social marketing (Andreasen 2006, p.89). Social marketing is used by organizations to promote a cause, advocate on a political issue, or channelise the sort of the globe. Because the technique is designed to change peoples minds and behavior through with(predicate) the use of advertising, it is met with several obstacles. Social marketing faces the task of fulfilling their objective without the transgression of an ethical approach.Social marketing can be used to modify behavior such as the antismoking turn ons that take up been launched on behalf of various health organizations. The National Cancer Institute, a government agency, publishes numerous fact sheets on the method s and benefits of smoking cessation (Fact sheets Tobacco/Smoking cessation). This information is designed to de-market a product by modifying behavior with the goal of decreasing consumption.Social marketing may also be used to change a corporate image by associating the grunge with a social issue or cause. This may be seen when a company donates a share of their profits to a social or philanthropic endeavor. In 1999 Mattel partnered with Girls Inc. through an agreement to promote the girls organization by including brochures in the Barbie packaging. Though the goals of Girls Inc., which promoted feminist empowerment, were contrary to the hanker standing image of the Barbie doll, Girls Inc. was anxious to reach millions of potential new members. For their part, Mattel wanted to ...create an enhanced, more relevant Barbie brand through an association with a progressive, girl-focused organization (Marconi 2002, p.187). As more and more products are sold through socially or culturall y based advertising, social marketing has moved beyond the traditional arenas of regime and social activism and into commercialism.Trying to change a persons mind or behavior can be laborious at anytime. Trying to sway public opinion or motivate them to action can be extremely challenging. The organization moldiness be open and willing to undergo intense public scrutiny. The public can be a very sophisticated consultation and may tire of a kernel that is overstated or exaggerated. The Department of Homeland Securitys terror threat level system was initially designed to maintain awareness among the public of an impending threat. However, its overuse and the publics suspicion about its validity soon rendered it to an irrelevant position. Nancy Reagans anti-drug campaign that insisted Just Say No was a failure due to oversimplification. Rose (2005, p.169) calls the Reagan marketing scheme an, example of a strategic communications failure - not just with the wrong messenger for the intended audience, but with a naive, presumably unresearched, if memorable, message. These unrealistic expectations are the result of attempting to reach a widely diverse audience with a single concise message.Trying to deal with the challenges facing a social marketing campaign requires that ethical issues be thoroughly addressed. The issue of full disclosure can be difficult to posit or to measure what information needs to be revealed. Various stakeholders may have different objectives and standards. American bear witness has been criticized for their participation in the Charge for Hunger campaign and the campaign to raise money for the restoration of the statue of liberty. Critics contended that American Express spent far more money on their own self-promotion about the campaigns than they spent on the echt issue (Andreasen & Drumwright 2000). Though it can also be said that American Express would have spent the money on advertising anyway, the perceived conflict of interes t and motivation are ethical issues that must be addressed when social marketing.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
The Great Recession 2008 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The Great box 2008 - Term Paper ExampleAccording to the re appear findings the 2007 global financial crisis has had serious impacts on the economies of many an(prenominal) countries, resulting to what economists call the Great Recession. The downturn began initially as an isolated problem with the sub-prime celestial sphere in the US housing market, mutating to a serious and fatal recession by the beginning of 2008. Consequently, other nations especially in the European Union followed the US into the crisis by mid-2008. In essence, 2009 was the first recorded year in account statement that the global economy was actually in recession since the Second World War. Interestingly, the recession came as a surprise to many economists, investor, academics, policy-makers, and multilateral agencies. For instance, Organization for Economic Co-operation Developments Jean-Philippe Cotis was quoted as speculating further growth in the global economy because of the buoyancy of uphill economie s and favoring financial conditions. After the economy drove into recession, the economics profession was under fire for failure to p carmineict the financial downturn. As a result, there were a couple of(prenominal) intellectual conversations taking place between scholars of like minds. Therefore, the underestimation of the severity of the global downturn was not surprising. Indeed, some leading financial forecasters like World Bank and International Monetary Funds revise their initial to their growth forecasts in 2008 and 2009. Nonetheless, there were warnings from a few economists of a brewing economical disaster. A portion of the economist predicted a looming recession based on economic models where the accumulation of the private sector was the central cause. However, their cries were not significant enough for the majority of the lulled individuals. Despite all these, the warning signs were blinking red loose monetary policy especially in the US, lax in financial regulation, misperception of risk and search for yield, and huge current deficits in UK, US, and other super economies that accumulated huge savings of oil exporters and emerging economies. Events of 2008, with emphasis on the collapse and consequent closure of Lehman Brother, reversed the perceptions of risk-taking banks (Clungston, 2008). However, the complexity and nature mortgage-backed securities left intimately banks in the dark concerning the exact level of liabilities that was linked to the severing housing sector in the US. Thus, liquidity of most banks dried up, literary bringing the global financial system to a halt. Some critiques were restless to question the survival of the American-style capitalism. Governments in developing and advanced countries were quick to react aggressively, injecting obscene credit amounts into their financial markets, reducing interest rates, nationalizing banks, and unveiling stimulus packages to increase discretionary spending. Most policymakers wer e determined to avoid mistakes from preceding crises, and their response was important avoiding disastrous depression in most countries,
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